若問我最喜歡哪位歌星~ 我想~ 就屬 Celine Dion 了.  昨晚撥空一小時, 與 Alf 衝去電器行逛逛音響設備.
剛好店家播放 Celine Dion 拉斯維加斯演唱會影片, 首首動聽旋律, camille 都好愛~~  

(圖片來源: ivideo)
尤其這首 I'm Alive, 是我非常喜愛的一首歌曲. 會喜歡這首歌曲, 是有原因的. 
因為當時確定與那人分道揚鑣時期, 我常獨自埋首於某家漫畫店裡, 我不是去看漫畫~ 
而剛好店家可以租CD聽, 當時心情鬱悶的我, 就重複聽著Celine Dion 專輯, 當聽到 I'm Alive 
這首旋律時~~ 整個人~ 像是充氣一樣, 注入無比生命力~~  
雖然我沒有仔細研究歌詞, 但光是節奏感~ 我就覺得不要放棄未來, 因為~ I'm Alive.

因為新家要買音響設備, 我與Alf 慢慢比較各種品牌, 目前相中 YAMAHA 系列. 我與Alf 還說, 
順便再買張 Celine Dion 這張演唱會專輯. (實在太好聽了) 我每次聽她唱歌, 都捨不得離開or轉台,
這張專輯裡頭, 還有她與女兒互動的幕後花絮, 巨星卸下光環, 與女兒互動時~ 就是一位平凡的媽媽~ 
看她親吻女兒的腳丫丫, 就好比每一位媽媽, 親吻自己寶貝的肌膚一樣~ 親蜜~甜蜜~幸福!

I'm Alive

I get wings to fly... Oh-oh
I'm alive... yeah.. yeah

When you call for me    When I hear you breath
I get wings to fly...   I feel that I'm alive

When you look at me   I can touch the sky
I know that I'm alive

Ohh... Ooh.... alive
When you blessed the day
I just drift away   All my world is right
I'm glad that I'm alive

You set my heart on fire
Filled me with love    Made me a woman
I'm glad you're back

I couldn't get much higher
My spirit takes flight (My spirit takes flight)
Because I'm alive (Because I'm alive)
Ooh... never bound

When you call on me (when you call on me)
When I hear you breathe (when I hear you breathe)
I get wings to fly...   I feel that I'm alive    Oh yeah, I'm alive

When you reach for me (when you reach for me)
Erases fear inside    Loves knows that

That I'll be the one standing by
Through good and through tiring times
And it's only begun
I can't wait for the rest of my life

When you call on me (when you call for me)
When you reach for me (when you reach for me)
I get wings to fly...    Ah-ah...I feel that...

When you blessed, you blessed the day
I just drift away (I just drift away)
(All my world is right)    I know that... I'm alive    Yeah...

I get wings to fly     God knows that I'm alive... 
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    ACJA 生活旅遊趣

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